Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gracie been here for ONE year!!!

On the 18th of October one year ago, I came back to the US with Grace for the very first time. This was the first time she met her mommy and her brothers. Many thing have happened over the last year. When we first got her she could not run and sometimes had some trouble with walking. Now she is running, jumping, hopping, riding a bike and much much more. She will say just about anything and even attempt to sing. (Key word ATTEMPT)

More recently she has started in Gymnastics. She is doing very well with that as long as she gets to take the class with Tyler. Her and Tyler have become very very close. Many times the two of them are inseperable, almost like twins. Kindof like a love/hate thing. Andrew and Logan do a very good job of looking after her. The TEAM is doing well! Here are a couple of recent pics of her for everyone to look at.

Team Gilbert

PS Someone lost there 2 front teeth!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we decided to go to the pumpkin patch. After much time spent deliberating over which pumkin patch to go to, we decided to pick the one with the most stuff for the least amount of money. With a family of 6, admittance fees can add up quickly.

The kids all had alot of fun petting the animals, playing in the corn box(kinda like a sand box but corn), hiking through the pumpkins and going through the corn field maze. The favorite thing for all of them was the animals. Out of the entire adventure there was only one casualty and that was Grace getting bitten by the miniature horse on her leg. I guess he was hungry. The bite really wasn't bad, it didn't leave a mark.

Here are some pictures of the event to share with everyone.

Thank You,