Monday, November 1, 2010
Logan's Baseball Time
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Digital Scrapbooking

Friday, August 20, 2010
First Week of school Done :)
OH look, here is the 2 of them on the couch after school. Go figure On a lighter note below is a little video of Brayden playing at the playcenter at the mall. This week Brayden has been a little couped up and really needed to get some energy out. He has been waking up a few times per night and then getting up early in the morning. So we decided to take him out for a day at the mall to vent some energy. He started out a little shy and tired but ended up loving it.
Enjoy the video!
~~~~~~TEAM GILBERT~~~~~~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sick in the first week of school???

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Back in the Saddle
There is really too much to cover since so much has happened in the last 3 years. So what I am going to do is give you a little update on where we are now and give you some cute pics to look at.
The kids started school this last monday. We have 4 of the munchkins in the same school now. Grace - 1st grade, Tyler - 2nd grade, Andrew - 4th grade and Logan 6th grade. As I said before, Brayden will be 21 months on September 1. They are all getting soooooo big.
As for activities, Grace is going to start playing soccer (this will be her first sport), Tyler and Andrew are going to play Football and Logan is trying out for the swim team. Brayden is continueing to work on his"I am going to send my parents to the looney bin" act. He practices everyday.
Brayden finally got his 2nd haircut of his life today. Hey...Tyler is 7 and he has only had 7 haircuts. It is financially prudent to reduce the total number of haircuts.
Well here are some pictures for everyone to enjoy and we will try to keep up with blogging so you all can enjoy more.
~~~~~~TEAM GILBERT~~~~~~
PS - please comment so I know who is out there watching and reading.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Gracie been here for ONE year!!!
More recently she has started in Gymnastics. She is doing very well with that as long as she gets to take the class with Tyler. Her and Tyler have become very very close. Many times the two of them are inseperable, almost like twins. Kindof like a love/hate thing. Andrew and Logan do a very good job of looking after her. The TEAM is doing well! Here are a couple of recent pics of her for everyone to look at.
Team Gilbert
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
The kids all had alot of fun petting the animals, playing in the corn box(kinda like a sand box but corn), hiking through the pumpkins and going through the corn field maze. The favorite thing for all of them was the animals. Out of the entire adventure there was only one casualty and that was Grace getting bitten by the miniature horse on her leg. I guess he was hungry. The bite really wasn't bad, it didn't leave a mark.
Here are some pictures of the event to share with everyone.
Thank You,