Ok...I thought that its less likely to get sick when it's hot outside. I know that it doesn't have to be cold to get sick but the "sick germs" are less likely when it is hot out. Well anyway...last week Brayden came down with a fever without any other symptoms. Today, Tyler was out of school because he had a mystery fever and we took him to the doctors. They said it was some sort of virus in his throat. After the kids came home from school today Grace said she didn't feel good and that the teacher made her "stand in the sun too much". Well Gracie thats called a fever. I think that Tory is coming down with it now too.
So on a germ free note...Grace has been accepted into a Chinese Immersion class for first grade. For this year her class is taught in Chinese 50% of the day. Because of this Tory and I have chosen to learn chinese as well. We bought the Rosetta Stone Chinese level 1 kit to start learning. We are also going to do the kit with Grace as well so she can learn more Chinese faster. We will keep you up to date on our progress. Wish us luck!!!

Chinese symbol for Good Luck
Hey, Gilbert fam! Glad you're blogging again :-). Love that you are embracing Gracie's culture so much, that is so cool! Can't wait to hear her speaking Chinese. Matt and I are so excited to see you next month! Miss you, love you all :-)
love, hugs and kisses,
Cousin Ren
Wow awesome! I always love to see and hear what the Gilberts are up to!
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