We have completed our first week of school. BTW We have 4 kids in school 1 not. The 4 in school are all in the same school grades 1,2,4 and 6. We are very fortunate to only have one dropoff and one pick-up. Well I guess that is until they all start sports in a few weeks. So far we have had only 2 sick children ...batting 500 is not too bad...right???
Now a little about Brayden. He loves stickers. There is a sheet of Mickey Mouse stickers in the car that he screams to play with every time we go somewhere. We give him the stickers if for nothing else just to shush him up...and he proceeds to paste the stickers all over himself. As you can see from the picture below, he roamed around to find one of his brothers shoes and his last remaining sticker stuck on his head. He is definitely a cutie-pie!
Here is a better shot of the super-star stick on Bray-Bray's face. Also the ever present Ya-Ya (Pacifier)

OK...Now onto a topic that we have been dealing with for about a year.
A couple of years ago we got 2 labs, 1 silver and 1 charcoal. Andrew became very attached to Juneau (silver) and there is no doubt that Juneau is HIS dog!!! That dog would kill for him and/or die for him. Mans best friend is boys best friend also.
OK you are probably wondering what the problem is...Well...As you can see from the picture below... Andrew is on the couch with Juneau. They're not just hanging out or watching TV...this is bed time...on the couch...everyday...I can truly say that Andrew has NOT slept on the couch about 10 nights in the last year (unless we were out of town). He has the choice of 3 different beds that he can sleep in, of which one of them he could still sleep with his dog.
Does anyone else think that the boy should go sleep in a bed???
I guess it's not that big of a deal, but it's not just about a oily coated dog sleeping on the couch. Andrew is probably dirtier than the dog. He could easily have......... strike that, does have the nickname "Pig-Pen" (and the dust cloud really does follow him around).
He loves to be dirty and he doesn't care.

OH look, here is the 2 of them on the couch after school. Go figure
On a lighter note below is a little video of Brayden playing at the playcenter at the mall. This week Brayden has been a little couped up and really needed to get some energy out. He has been waking up a few times per night and then getting up early in the morning. So we decided to take him out for a day at the mall to vent some energy. He started out a little shy and tired but ended up loving it.
Enjoy the video!
~~~~~~TEAM GILBERT~~~~~~