October 17, 2006
Tory, Logan, Andrew, Tyler, Gracie and I would like to take a minute to thank a few people who helped make this all possible. First we need to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for without his light and gudiance we would never have these wonderful oppertunities. We need to send out a special thank you to Michelle and Thad. Without Michelles guidence we may never have seen Grace on the CCAI waiting Childrens sight. Thank you for letting us enter your world and teaching us everything we needed to know about China. Thad our paths have crossed more than once and everytime seems to be a life giving situation. Your support and prayers have been so needed and appreciated. God has blessed us with your friendship.Next I need to thank my brother Joel, melody and Zach. Thank you for letting me take your wife and Mommy to China with me. She has been such a awesome help emotionally and with our little Gracie. Thank you Joel and Danielle for your on going support in this whole process. It has been very appreciated to have unconditional support without judgement on our decitions.We want to thank the Family members that have been behind us 100% on this decition to adopt from China and take a special needs child. This has been a very important decition for our Family and to have that backup has helped with the wait and the final travel.Our love goes out to Poppy Jim and Oma for still keeping up with the blog even though you Poppy are going through your own health issues. Please pray for our Poppy that he continues to gain strength and fits off the bad tummy demon that is haunting him right now. Thank you for your support and prayers.Larry and Judy....are you ready for another grandbaby? Here she comes and she is love and fire in all one shot. Thanks for your support, prayers and gudiance through this process. Don't worry Larry I'm working on getting rid of the gut!:) Dad, thank you for the helping up get Gracie home. Your support and prayers are very appreciated. Me Mare and Uncy Paul....You guys are awesome. Thanks for you support and your house or should I say my home away from home!The 4 amigos. Molly, Shannon, Beth and Jen. Thank you for listening to Tory over the past 2 years trying to pull this all togerther. You are all very dear friends to her and I'm grateful for all your support all the way around. You girls rock!To our friends here in the world of heat! The Crumplers and the Praters....what can we say! You watched the dream come alive and took us by the hand through it all. We can't thank you enough for everything. Tim, thanks for taking care of my boys while I was gone. Your the next best thing to me being there in person. Sharon and Becky your emotional support has been priceless to Tory. We love you guys!Becky, Audie and Candi thank you for being the Family you are! Sisters always come together in a time of need and you all stepped up to the plate. You guys are so awesome and let me personally thank you for being a part of this with my wife.FINALLY - THANK YOU to CCAI!! This agency is so awesome. They have made this process so easy from paper chasing to travel. We are so lucky to have been able to work with them. We must give a special thanks to PAM in waiting children...Have you had yourcoffee yet? :) Poor girl hadto hear from us all to many times before she was even settled into her chair. Thank you to Heidi in travel for answering ten million and 1 questions over and over again...Pam you too!To all the Families I traveled with: You are all blessed with such special and very lucky babies. We wish you all the best.To all of you who viewed this blog faithfully. We hope you enjoyed the journey. It was a long time coming but well worth the wait. I will update Danielle, grace and my last day when we get HOME. Thank you Again to EVERYONE!!!
This has been such an incredible process.Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I can't believe that it's tomorrow! Love you all!
Posted by: Candi on October 17, 2006 at 10:38 A.M.
THANK YOU Jeff and Tory for being such wonderful parents, and the best family I have ever worked with. Grace (and the boys) are very lucky to have you!
Posted by: Pam on October 17, 2006 at 12:29 P.M.
You are so welcome Jeff and Tory and family!! I am the one that feels honored to be involved in all of this! We get to see you all tomorrow!! I am doing a little happy dance!! YAY!!!!!!!
Posted by: Audie on October 17, 2006 at 02:40 P.M.
Thank you so much for allowing us to follow your journey. It felt like we were right there with you. We eagerly awaited each update. You are so lucky and blessed. We look forward to reading your at home updates. We hope and pray that your transition at home is smooth. And we can't wait to go get our little angel waiting in ZhangZhou, Fujian.Take care and God Bless,Kenneth and Mystina Zummach
Posted by: Ken and Mystina Zummach ~ Charlotte NC on October 19, 2006 at 11:11 A.M.
Congratulations, you guys!! We are so happy and excited for you!! We can't wait to meet Grace. Austin and Ethan are very excited about getting to play with her the next time we are in the States.Love, Renee, Bryan, Austin, and Ethan
Posted by: The Gibbs family in Japan on October 19, 2006 at 07:15 P.M.
Mr. Jeff, Thanks for updating us on what you were doing with Mrs. Gilbert and your daughter while you were in China. We enjoyed seeing the pictures and prayed for you each day.
Posted by: The First Graders on October 23, 2006 at 07:14 A.M.