Well today was the last full day in China before departure Day. Today we had the consulate appointment which we didn't even need to attend. All of the paperwork that we did last night was taken to the consulate by our guide Jason and there were no problems or questions about any of the families paperwork in the group. That leaves only one final step before returning home, The Oath at the consulate tomorrow. After Jason returned from the US Consulate we went over to the White Swan Hotel for the famous Red Couch Photo. It took a little bit to get all of the kids to pay attention but it all turned out OKAY. After the couch pictures, we took a few other pictures around the hotel and checked out some the shops. All of these pictures have worked up an appetite, so we headed over to Lucy's Diner to try out some not chinese food. The orders at our table were about like this: 2 cheeseburgers with French Fry's, 1 chicken Quesadilla and 1 chicken fajita plate. It was actually pretty nice to get a good american meal. I have really enjoyed the food while I have been here but I could really use the good old fashioned food I was raised on. In the afternoon we went to the Pearl Market again to see if there were any final things that we wanted to pick up before leaving. On the way to the Pearl Market we walked through the crazy market. I don't have any pictures of it yet but we will go back tomorrow to get the pictures. It will be fun. Just for a preview the crazy market had snake skins, sea horses, flowers, herbs, fish tank supplies, fish, turtles, cats, dogs, hampsters, mice, plants, food and our favorite Live Scorpions. After the Markets we all got together for a group dinner at the Thai restaurant. There were actually some more families that we have been put together with so it was fun to get to know them a little and meet them and their new children. Well tomorrow is packing, shopping, Oathing and leaving day. In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow after I arrive, I wanted to give a little final wrapup talk. I have really enjoyed this journey and especially meeting and being with our daughter that we have been waiting for for a long time. But it has also been very hard and sad to have to be away from my wife and boys for so long. It's kindof Bitter Sweet. Isn't it Ironic, Don't you think. Alright enough of my stupid humor. I hope you all enjoyed following the journey and I hope you continue to check back for future updates and pictures. Love Ya'll

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