OKAY. The Trip is finally winding down. Today we did not have to get up extra early to get to the airport. But as with any time you travel no matter how early you get packed you are still rushing around trying to finish everything up. Everything came together and we made it to Guangzhou. On the trip from the airport to the hotel our guide Jason told us how busy we would be today. When he told us, I was thinking it sounded like we would have some time to run down to a shop to check out a few things. WRONG! It went kindof like this. Get in you room and wait for your luggage. Grab some stuff out of your luggage and run (in the Rain) to exchange money wait in the busy bank for 10 minutes looking at the 20 numbers that need to be called ahead of you. Run (in the rain to the again) to the next bank where ther was no one waiting. Look at the time (or the lack thereof time) Run to the market to get some cup of noodles and run back to the hotel to make it. Once back in the hotel room we have less than 10 minutes to get ready make the noodles, eat the noodles and meet in the lobby. No time to shop there. Now its time for visa pictures and medical exam. Luckily the visa photo place and the Medical Clinic are within 2 blocks of the hotel. The visa pic was over befor you knew it and then it was on to the medical exam. At the medical exam there were 3 stations. 1. E.N.T. 2. Height and Weight 3. Physical exam. She passed with flying colors on all three stations. Well Height and weight wasn't really pass or fail but they came out at 23 lbs and 33 1/2" tall. After the clinic we headed bak to the hotel to get the paperwork together for the to fill out the paperwork for the US consulate. I left Gracie with auntie for the almost 2 hour excursion of penmanship (or lack thereof penmanship). Now that the tasks of the day are completed we need to go get something that would actually nurish our bodies not just fill our tummies. I guess we chose the wrong place because Gracie passed out from exaustion before the discovered how to make food. It took forever!!! Now Bedtime. Blog Tomorrow. Sorry to everyone who was looking this morning and didn't get anything.

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