Hello all! Sorry it has taken so long to get an update from after the trip. After coming back we ended up spending a couple of days in the LA area because Grace picked up some sort of virus. Our original plan was to leave for home the day after returning from China and after a short jet-lag nap we noticed that Gracie had random itchy red spots all over her body and her lips and hands were very swollen and red. At that point we didn’t know what was going on so we went straight to the ER. That’s where they told us about the allergic reaction either to the virus or ibuprofen. So the next day (Friday) we were able to head for home. The first thing we got to experience in the US was the introduction to car seats. That was fun. If you know what I mean by fun. Once we found the car, and loaded everything it was time to strap her in. As you can see from the picture, Grace was not happy and she cried for quite some time until she fell asleep. Then it was quiet for a little bit until she had rested enough to start to cry again. Initially the first night back Grace was already adjusting to being with Mommy. Sitting with mommy playing, laughing and everything. That night her virus really hit her and all she wanted was daddy. That wasn’t good when we really only had the weekend to adjust to having Mommy only Monday to Thursday. On Friday when we were starting to head for home Grace really started to open up to Tory. With Grace only wanting me, I was starting to get upset that it was going to be hard to have her connect and become close with Tory. When they were laughing and playing together in the car I started to cry because it made me soooooo happy to see them becoming closer. Throughout that first weekend each day became better and better. By the time Sunday dame around Tory was doing more with her than I was. Speaking of Sunday, we went to a place called the Fear Farm (during the day so it wasn’t scary) and Grace really started to feel comfortable as a part of our family because she started to walk around on her own and go off away from Mommy and Daddy with her brothers and not be scared or worried. I think the transition went quite well. We'll write more soon.

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