Today we were able to take it a little easier getting started. We just needed to go to breakfast this morning and then wait until 10 to goto the Free Market and the Pedestrian Mall and McDonalds.
The one thing I don't remember if I have talked about is the common mode of transport around Nanchang. Besides the entire group outing for adoption related stuff, most of our transit is by taxi. Now this is no ordinary taxi ride. The driving here is insane. A taxi will try to pass at any momment, even when other cars are coming. They cut everyong off including the Police. They will also honk and cut off bikes, pedestrians, even handicapped senior citizens. There Mato is I have the right of way!
So once the interesting taxi ride was over we were at the Free Market the shopping spree could commence. Oh, By the way I sat in the frontseat with Grace on my lap. This place kindof like the pearl market. Many Many Many little stores and tempurature that you would not believe. Here you can find anything from immitation watches to clothing fabric to jewelery to immitation purses to whatever else I didn't even see in the time we were in there.
After exhausting ourselves in the free market it was time to replenish our energy at the Golden Arches. Out of all of the food that we ate the overall consensis is that it pretty much tastes the same except I thought the Coke tasted funny and the so did the milkshakes. Also Ronald McDonanld looks the same in China as he does in the US.
We took a walk through the pedestrial mall and a couple people look in the stores but know was really impressed with anything so we headed back to the hotel.
A couple of us decided to head out in search of a fresh food market to get some good pictures and stuff. We got to see some pretty cool stuff from chicken feet to whole raw squid to live chicken and ducks to whole fish to tripe and many other interesting things. There was also a little doggie running around trying to get some scraps off the floor.
Our final treat for the day was seeing a child squat down on the sidewalk and drop an enormous terd. Be thankful I wasn't able to get a picture of it.

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