Today we took a trip to the countryside to get an idea of how most of the rural people live. the trip out to and in the rural area was beautiful. Out in the country the smog is a little less but still very previlent. We went out to s small town that I don't remember the name of and visited a small village. A village is really just a group of extended family that is all living together. They have built their own houses and pretty much everyting within the village. On the way out to the village, we passed 2 universities. One was a medical school and the other was just a regular university. It was really cool to go out to see the villages and to see what type of life Grace might have had if she were now put up for adoption. After the trip back into the city, we headed to a restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was named "0791" after the zip code in Nanchang. In the entry of the restaurant the had a cone shaped fish tank with a few too many fish in it. I guess the fish really like each other. As we left lunch and reboarded the bus to return to the hotel, we came across some people with monkeys who were begging for money using monkeys. If we tried to take a picture they would hide the monkeys so that we couldn't get a picture. But we still got a picture and could probably sell it on the internet for 1 million dollars. Please call if you are interested. Please enjoy the pictures and if you did not see I wasable to add the photos to Registration day and the zoo day.

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