Monday, September 10, 2007



August 1, 2007

Many many months ago we went to the county attornies office to file to re-adopt Grace in the US in order to get the her a US birth certificate. That will make life much easier in the future. Also I guess it is a good idea to have the adoption be official in the US. There is something about that word that sounds like we need to do it "OFFICIAL", Yeah I think we should do it. As we got up early this morning, knowing that we had plenty of time to get ready and get to the courthouse with the 6 of us and the 4+ of my brother and his family. Yeah!! uhhhh!! We had an "ON TIME" departure. Running at the speed of light and driving even faster we managed to make it there on time. All this with a gas stop since I forgot to get gas last night. We swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that is what we did. What is your address, when were you born, when was you wedding... and so on... BLAH...BLAH...BLAH...We the court find you to be fit parents to Grace Anna-Joy Gilbert. Also to remember the event we made a "guest book" for all of the attendees. We had everyone sign a 3 picture mat and then added 3 pictures from today and put it in its frame. If any of you come to visit we will show it to you. Here are some of the Legal and Illegal (We were not supposed to take pictures inside the courthouse) pictures from the event of the day.

A Video of Grace

March 16, 2007
Here is a little video of grace. Logan and andrew had a field day at school today. We were able to go and watch and get a few good pictures and videos. Andrews class came out first. They had four different stations set up. Airport mad dash - Pack the suitcase and run with to the end of the field and back. Potato sack race. Carry water on your head in a cup race. A big wheel race, and a tug-of-war. Now remember all of the above names are the technical terms for the events. We would have taken more pictures but of course the camera batteries died. Well please enjoy the pictures and the video and we will be back soon with more updates.

It's March Now, Do You Know Where We Have Been?

Sorry about the delay in the updates

March 15, 2007

Well I guess it has been a while since the last update and we have recieved a few complaints about the "Out of Datedness" of our site. So to the delight of all of you faithful followers here is the new. Grace it doing very well. She has molded into our family unit as if she was always here and we feel as if she has always been here as well. Her and Tyler are best friends and arch enemies all in one happy yet dramatic package. They are always having to do things together but neither of them want to share the toys they are playing with. In January we moved into our new house and in the transition we had a few issues with Grace reverting to some of her younger ways. We ended up having quite a few potty accidents and one night at the dinner table she decided to make a chocolate sundae in her pants. (Fun Fun Fun) Some of the issues I think began when we were starting to move some of the house over to the new house and all of her stuff was still at the old house. I think she thought we were going to leave her or something. I don't know where she got that idea. Now that her new room is decorated she is adjusting well. When we first got Grace, she did not know how run, ride bikes or scooters. After spending alot of time with her brothers all of these activities have become a regular occurance. She is also doing alot of talking even though you can't understand some of it but she understands most of what we say. Here are some new pictures for everyone to look at. Also check back later this weekend, we will be adding some video of Grace to the site.

Fun With Water

What Happens When You Are Not Looking?

March 17, 2007

Have you ever wondered what happens when you leave you children alone to take care of simple tasks such as the washing of hands. Speaking of washing hand, something like that happened today. Well, for a little background on the topic, every so often we will have Grace go into the bathroom to wash her hands in order to entertain her for a few minutes.

Tonight when we did that, I realized that she had been gone for awhile and decided to see what happens when she thinks that no one is looking.

Please enjoy the video and take note of the elevation of her pajama bottoms.

Back Home Sorry about the delay

November 1, 2006

Hello all! Sorry it has taken so long to get an update from after the trip. After coming back we ended up spending a couple of days in the LA area because Grace picked up some sort of virus. Our original plan was to leave for home the day after returning from China and after a short jet-lag nap we noticed that Gracie had random itchy red spots all over her body and her lips and hands were very swollen and red. At that point we didn’t know what was going on so we went straight to the ER. That’s where they told us about the allergic reaction either to the virus or ibuprofen. So the next day (Friday) we were able to head for home. The first thing we got to experience in the US was the introduction to car seats. That was fun. If you know what I mean by fun. Once we found the car, and loaded everything it was time to strap her in. As you can see from the picture, Grace was not happy and she cried for quite some time until she fell asleep. Then it was quiet for a little bit until she had rested enough to start to cry again. Initially the first night back Grace was already adjusting to being with Mommy. Sitting with mommy playing, laughing and everything. That night her virus really hit her and all she wanted was daddy. That wasn’t good when we really only had the weekend to adjust to having Mommy only Monday to Thursday. On Friday when we were starting to head for home Grace really started to open up to Tory. With Grace only wanting me, I was starting to get upset that it was going to be hard to have her connect and become close with Tory. When they were laughing and playing together in the car I started to cry because it made me soooooo happy to see them becoming closer. Throughout that first weekend each day became better and better. By the time Sunday dame around Tory was doing more with her than I was. Speaking of Sunday, we went to a place called the Fear Farm (during the day so it wasn’t scary) and Grace really started to feel comfortable as a part of our family because she started to walk around on her own and go off away from Mommy and Daddy with her brothers and not be scared or worried. I think the transition went quite well. We'll write more soon.

Thank You!!!To our Friends, Family and CCAI!!

October 17, 2006

Tory, Logan, Andrew, Tyler, Gracie and I would like to take a minute to thank a few people who helped make this all possible. First we need to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for without his light and gudiance we would never have these wonderful oppertunities. We need to send out a special thank you to Michelle and Thad. Without Michelles guidence we may never have seen Grace on the CCAI waiting Childrens sight. Thank you for letting us enter your world and teaching us everything we needed to know about China. Thad our paths have crossed more than once and everytime seems to be a life giving situation. Your support and prayers have been so needed and appreciated. God has blessed us with your friendship.Next I need to thank my brother Joel, melody and Zach. Thank you for letting me take your wife and Mommy to China with me. She has been such a awesome help emotionally and with our little Gracie. Thank you Joel and Danielle for your on going support in this whole process. It has been very appreciated to have unconditional support without judgement on our decitions.We want to thank the Family members that have been behind us 100% on this decition to adopt from China and take a special needs child. This has been a very important decition for our Family and to have that backup has helped with the wait and the final travel.Our love goes out to Poppy Jim and Oma for still keeping up with the blog even though you Poppy are going through your own health issues. Please pray for our Poppy that he continues to gain strength and fits off the bad tummy demon that is haunting him right now. Thank you for your support and prayers.Larry and Judy....are you ready for another grandbaby? Here she comes and she is love and fire in all one shot. Thanks for your support, prayers and gudiance through this process. Don't worry Larry I'm working on getting rid of the gut!:) Dad, thank you for the helping up get Gracie home. Your support and prayers are very appreciated. Me Mare and Uncy Paul....You guys are awesome. Thanks for you support and your house or should I say my home away from home!The 4 amigos. Molly, Shannon, Beth and Jen. Thank you for listening to Tory over the past 2 years trying to pull this all togerther. You are all very dear friends to her and I'm grateful for all your support all the way around. You girls rock!To our friends here in the world of heat! The Crumplers and the Praters....what can we say! You watched the dream come alive and took us by the hand through it all. We can't thank you enough for everything. Tim, thanks for taking care of my boys while I was gone. Your the next best thing to me being there in person. Sharon and Becky your emotional support has been priceless to Tory. We love you guys!Becky, Audie and Candi thank you for being the Family you are! Sisters always come together in a time of need and you all stepped up to the plate. You guys are so awesome and let me personally thank you for being a part of this with my wife.FINALLY - THANK YOU to CCAI!! This agency is so awesome. They have made this process so easy from paper chasing to travel. We are so lucky to have been able to work with them. We must give a special thanks to PAM in waiting children...Have you had yourcoffee yet? :) Poor girl hadto hear from us all to many times before she was even settled into her chair. Thank you to Heidi in travel for answering ten million and 1 questions over and over again...Pam you too!To all the Families I traveled with: You are all blessed with such special and very lucky babies. We wish you all the best.To all of you who viewed this blog faithfully. We hope you enjoyed the journey. It was a long time coming but well worth the wait. I will update Danielle, grace and my last day when we get HOME. Thank you Again to EVERYONE!!!
This has been such an incredible process.Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I can't believe that it's tomorrow! Love you all!
Posted by: Candi on October 17, 2006 at 10:38 A.M.
THANK YOU Jeff and Tory for being such wonderful parents, and the best family I have ever worked with. Grace (and the boys) are very lucky to have you!
Posted by: Pam on October 17, 2006 at 12:29 P.M.
You are so welcome Jeff and Tory and family!! I am the one that feels honored to be involved in all of this! We get to see you all tomorrow!! I am doing a little happy dance!! YAY!!!!!!!
Posted by: Audie on October 17, 2006 at 02:40 P.M.
Thank you so much for allowing us to follow your journey. It felt like we were right there with you. We eagerly awaited each update. You are so lucky and blessed. We look forward to reading your at home updates. We hope and pray that your transition at home is smooth. And we can't wait to go get our little angel waiting in ZhangZhou, Fujian.Take care and God Bless,Kenneth and Mystina Zummach
Posted by: Ken and Mystina Zummach ~ Charlotte NC on October 19, 2006 at 11:11 A.M.
Congratulations, you guys!! We are so happy and excited for you!! We can't wait to meet Grace. Austin and Ethan are very excited about getting to play with her the next time we are in the States.Love, Renee, Bryan, Austin, and Ethan
Posted by: The Gibbs family in Japan on October 19, 2006 at 07:15 P.M.
Mr. Jeff, Thanks for updating us on what you were doing with Mrs. Gilbert and your daughter while you were in China. We enjoyed seeing the pictures and prayed for you each day.
Posted by: The First Graders on October 23, 2006 at 07:14 A.M.

Consulate appointment

October 17, 2006
Well today was the last full day in China before departure Day. Today we had the consulate appointment which we didn't even need to attend. All of the paperwork that we did last night was taken to the consulate by our guide Jason and there were no problems or questions about any of the families paperwork in the group. That leaves only one final step before returning home, The Oath at the consulate tomorrow. After Jason returned from the US Consulate we went over to the White Swan Hotel for the famous Red Couch Photo. It took a little bit to get all of the kids to pay attention but it all turned out OKAY. After the couch pictures, we took a few other pictures around the hotel and checked out some the shops. All of these pictures have worked up an appetite, so we headed over to Lucy's Diner to try out some not chinese food. The orders at our table were about like this: 2 cheeseburgers with French Fry's, 1 chicken Quesadilla and 1 chicken fajita plate. It was actually pretty nice to get a good american meal. I have really enjoyed the food while I have been here but I could really use the good old fashioned food I was raised on. In the afternoon we went to the Pearl Market again to see if there were any final things that we wanted to pick up before leaving. On the way to the Pearl Market we walked through the crazy market. I don't have any pictures of it yet but we will go back tomorrow to get the pictures. It will be fun. Just for a preview the crazy market had snake skins, sea horses, flowers, herbs, fish tank supplies, fish, turtles, cats, dogs, hampsters, mice, plants, food and our favorite Live Scorpions. After the Markets we all got together for a group dinner at the Thai restaurant. There were actually some more families that we have been put together with so it was fun to get to know them a little and meet them and their new children. Well tomorrow is packing, shopping, Oathing and leaving day. In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow after I arrive, I wanted to give a little final wrapup talk. I have really enjoyed this journey and especially meeting and being with our daughter that we have been waiting for for a long time. But it has also been very hard and sad to have to be away from my wife and boys for so long. It's kindof Bitter Sweet. Isn't it Ironic, Don't you think. Alright enough of my stupid humor. I hope you all enjoyed following the journey and I hope you continue to check back for future updates and pictures. Love Ya'll

Back to Guangzhou to finish up the trip

October 16, 2006

OKAY. The Trip is finally winding down. Today we did not have to get up extra early to get to the airport. But as with any time you travel no matter how early you get packed you are still rushing around trying to finish everything up. Everything came together and we made it to Guangzhou. On the trip from the airport to the hotel our guide Jason told us how busy we would be today. When he told us, I was thinking it sounded like we would have some time to run down to a shop to check out a few things. WRONG! It went kindof like this. Get in you room and wait for your luggage. Grab some stuff out of your luggage and run (in the Rain) to exchange money wait in the busy bank for 10 minutes looking at the 20 numbers that need to be called ahead of you. Run (in the rain to the again) to the next bank where ther was no one waiting. Look at the time (or the lack thereof time) Run to the market to get some cup of noodles and run back to the hotel to make it. Once back in the hotel room we have less than 10 minutes to get ready make the noodles, eat the noodles and meet in the lobby. No time to shop there. Now its time for visa pictures and medical exam. Luckily the visa photo place and the Medical Clinic are within 2 blocks of the hotel. The visa pic was over befor you knew it and then it was on to the medical exam. At the medical exam there were 3 stations. 1. E.N.T. 2. Height and Weight 3. Physical exam. She passed with flying colors on all three stations. Well Height and weight wasn't really pass or fail but they came out at 23 lbs and 33 1/2" tall. After the clinic we headed bak to the hotel to get the paperwork together for the to fill out the paperwork for the US consulate. I left Gracie with auntie for the almost 2 hour excursion of penmanship (or lack thereof penmanship). Now that the tasks of the day are completed we need to go get something that would actually nurish our bodies not just fill our tummies. I guess we chose the wrong place because Gracie passed out from exaustion before the discovered how to make food. It took forever!!! Now Bedtime. Blog Tomorrow. Sorry to everyone who was looking this morning and didn't get anything.